Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Squashed a load more cabbage white eggs and found a few caterpillars which I got rid of. Checky blighters have started laying the eggs actually on the purple sprouting now !

Harvested enough veg for the week, broke my runner bean slicer so ordered another one, although I have grown the stringless variety I still like to remove the sides and slice them, these tools work great.

Last carrots showing nicely now, as are turnips which I thinned for a first time. Swede's bulking up well even though they are surrounded by weeds.

Dug up some cara's. They are all red which is unusual as they are only supposed to have red eyes. Taste great though so not complaining. Still a little small and they are a late maincrop so will leave a couple more weeks before I dig them up.

Bright yellow chard at home is growing fast and the stems look great. When I water then they fall over though, and although they aren't leggy, they seem weak at this stage.

Next job, string the onions which are now dried out, that's for the weekend if it's nice.

Tied up the sunflower which is about 10feet high because we are now due high winds, typical.

Still no ripe tomato's.....

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