Tuesday 28 August 2007

Haven't a great deal to tell really, been weeding alot and spending time getting my onions dry and bagged. Pictured here although have just dug up the last lot so drying them during the nice spell. Got another bag at home so wont be short of onions.

Swede's are swelling up very nicely now, and Kale is growing well, although has suffered a little this weekend due to lack of water. I went down tonight (Tuesday) and watered them, they really needed it. To the left last beetroot is growing and to the left of that the Spinach is looking great. In between the Spinach and the beetroot will be the Chard when I plant it out.

And to the left of the carrots, where my main spuds are, will be the Spring cabbage, but I'm going to put these under nets.

Turnips are doing really well also, thinned for the last time.

Harvested another bag of runners, another bag of Calabrese, some carrots and more sprouts. Was going to leave but some had blown. I have sown an early kind which is why they are ready.

Below is a random picture of our little garden prior to a party we had Saturday night, it's about all I remember....

Wednesday 22 August 2007

Well I took delivery of a trailer load of horse manure yesterday and she wanted the trailer back before the weekend so had to shift it from the trailer to the end of the plot. The end being the other end from trailer. Luckily my son came and helped, against his wished but he helped nonetheless.

This is the trailer that was full and below is a rather disgusted Alex

stood next to the deposits.... Mind you, I loaded most and shifted via the wheelbarrow, my arms do ache..

So what did we do today....

We weeded endlessly, we checked out the growth in the pond, following the plants my parents gave us, which are now starting to grow nicely, there isn't much sign of life. I'll get some spawn next year but for now, nothing.

Thinned the turnips for the second time, these are growing really fast which is good, look forward to using them in some stews and casseroles. Dont like them roasted, too strong.

The last carrot sowings have not germinated at all well, not yet at least. Weeds may have strangled some seedlings as they are growing strongly in that bed.

Showed Alex how to harvest runner beans. I picked one and then said "ok over to you". He then picked about 10 more and said "ok thats it, there are no more". Of course we gardeners know better so I took him around again. By then end of it we had a carrier bag full of fully grown beans.

Then showed him how to harvest broccoli and I thought the idea of using my penknife may have given him cause for excitement, but by then he had had enough so I did it myself and we called it a day.

Took the runners and broccoli and donated to my neighbours who love their veg. After all, my freezer is full of beans and if I eat another broccoli spear, I swear to god I'll end up looking like an oompa loompa.

At home I have ditched my courgette plant. Started out well but the last 6 courgettes have all rotted after reaching around 3 inches. It also looks unsightly on the patio and we have a party Saturday so binned it. Next year will grow them on the allotment.

Spring cabbage coming along nicely as is the Chard. Neither will be ready to plant out for 2 weeks yet. Chard is looking great, the bright yellow will be nice.

No ripe tomatos although one is slightly pink, but that could be because its embarrassed.

Chili's fab.....

Now, before I sign off, this is a couple of pictures of Alex, who is stood by the sunflower he planted earlier in the year, it was 6 inches high at the time....

And for perspective, this is the dung movement we did today....

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Squashed a load more cabbage white eggs and found a few caterpillars which I got rid of. Checky blighters have started laying the eggs actually on the purple sprouting now !

Harvested enough veg for the week, broke my runner bean slicer so ordered another one, although I have grown the stringless variety I still like to remove the sides and slice them, these tools work great.

Last carrots showing nicely now, as are turnips which I thinned for a first time. Swede's bulking up well even though they are surrounded by weeds.

Dug up some cara's. They are all red which is unusual as they are only supposed to have red eyes. Taste great though so not complaining. Still a little small and they are a late maincrop so will leave a couple more weeks before I dig them up.

Bright yellow chard at home is growing fast and the stems look great. When I water then they fall over though, and although they aren't leggy, they seem weak at this stage.

Next job, string the onions which are now dried out, that's for the weekend if it's nice.

Tied up the sunflower which is about 10feet high because we are now due high winds, typical.

Still no ripe tomato's.....

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Plot is looking a little sparse but there is plenty growing. Carrots are showing nicely in the bed and the turnips are also growing well.

My son planted the sunflower on the right a couple of months ago and I cant even touch the top of it now.

Weeds are coming in from the plot next to me which is annoying, the council say the plots are all let but I dont believe them as many are untended. Apparently if they are left like this they will be let again but they aren't even mowing them regularly anymore.

My sprouts are ready for picking which is a bit wierd, well the ones at the bottom anyway. Picture here shows they are a nice size. I picked a few to try but will leave the rest til later in the year, unless the birds take a fancy to them.

Kale shown here is growing well now, although at every visit I'm
picking loads of cabbage white eggs of them and they are not covered. I may need to cover them if this keeps happening as it's very tiresome. Slugs have had a feed too, pests are everywhere.

Savoys are growing fast next to my main crop carrots here, which are ready for eating now, in fact tried a few they are Autumn King and taste very nice. Some pretty strange shapes though as my ground is very stoney.

Picked a bagful of runner beans today, some of which I had for tea and the others I have put in the freezer. Really going to have a big harvest from these.

This is a pic looking back from the runner beans. As you can see there is some spare ground between the Kale and the carrots. There is some Perpetual Spinach growing there and there will soon be 2 rows of Bright Yellow chard which I've set at home in the greenhouse. I also have around 50 Spring Cabbage to put in which are also at home so the space wont be empty for long. Just past the Kale you can see my Swede's which are a bit of a mess, the weeds are really surrounding then and I need to let them grow a bit before I can weed properly. The broccoli is lovely I've had shed loads from it already and still growing like mad.

This believe it or not is the floor of my shed. There are about 140 onions, doesn't half smell ! I will be stringing these when they have dried out completely.

Picture here of the veg I harvested for tea, missing the carrots that I also had. Didn't eat all the beans though, froze lots.

Quick picture of the pond, Dad divided some of his pond plants and gave me some to put in, will hopefully grow nicely next year for the frogs, because at the moment I've not seend one.

OK, below is at home....

These are my two Chili plants, on the left Hungarian Hot Wax and on the right the hot ones - Apache.

Cant wait to get cooking with these but not quite ready yet.

This is one of my Cherry Tomato plants at home, loaded with trusses of tomato's but as yet not one has ripened.