Friday, 11 May 2007

Potted on a couple of courgettes, thinned out my Spinach, weeded the onion beds and checked the Wondermesh covering the brassicas. In fact something is eating the wondermesh which is a worry, got very small holes in a few places around it but will still do the trick.

Took the weevils off my broads, they really have done a nasty job on them. All are flowering now and the first in were covered in black fly so pinched the tops off. They are high enough now. Cant stop the weevils though, the whole allotment seems to have the same problem as I checked out a few others and they have the same problem. Also attacking my neighbours peas now.

Only half a row of beetroot has germinated so planted some replacements after making the soil a little easier with some sharp sand and compost.

Early carrots are showing nicely albeit a little late, still covered with fleece. Main Carrots also showing, not covered yet but soon will be.

Went to Poundland which is now the place for cheap gardening, I picked up a wooden full size dibber, 4 rolls of 5m x 1.5m weed supressant, 3 more rolls of 6m x 1m fleece and a multi hose attachment. Less than a tenner !

At home tomatos have been outside now for about 3 weeks and are growing well, still watching out for frosts. Chilli's have their first fruits on and the strawberry plant has flowered and will be bearing fruit soon. Only have 1 as I just wanted to try them.

90% of my 50 Salvia's have germinated but are growing really slowly, I guess this must be normal. The 50 pot marigolds are all germinated and are now growing well.

Waiting for 30 Runner Beans to come through, not in a rush for these still a little early.

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