Tuesday, 31 July 2007

OK my plot is looking somewhat empty, I've pulled all the onions, new pots, early carrots and broads. My leeks died in roottrainers, dont know why but they did. I have replaced the onions with more carrots in the bed to the right below, and the bed in the middle I have put in Italian turnips, they grow flatter and wider therefore suiting my stoney plot.

This is one of 12 broccoli plants I have in, took out the centre stem a couple of weeks ago and now producing nicely.

Some peeps think my cucumbers looked nice last time, well I've had one from them and the pic on the left that's the same one that was growing last time ! It's been fed and all but not really happening. The pic on the right below shows the plant producing but it only has 3 cukes on it.

I have sprouts ready to pick and runners not ready to pick, someone please tell me what has happened to the growing season ?
At home still waiting for spring cabbage and chard to germinate but only been in a few days so not expected yet. Cabbage can take almost 3 weeks.
I have a row of beetroot showing now which will please Mrs and a row of spinach under the soil somewhere, yes I forgot to mark it. Oops.
Now Mrs doesn't like hot chili's, little does she know my chili plants have gone mad and one has 7 upgrowing chili's on it and the Apache has 9 down growing.

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